Thursday, February 2, 2017

Personality Assessment Results

As a management major in Paul College, I have taken many personality assessments throughout my four years. I know that I am "type A", have a "gold" colored personality, and fall under the ESFJ-A persona. I had not, however, taken The Big 5 Project Personality Test that Professor Bonica had us try last week.

While most of the information I found to be expected, I did not like the wording of the outcomes. It was made clear through the language that some traits were desirable and some were not. While I liked most of my responses and found them to be spot-on, the assessment considered me to be close-minded. While I like structure, I am also always up for adventures. My friends would even say I am the one pushing the group towards new experiences.

The graphical depiction of the results in this personality test were cool and helpful. I liked the range aspect instead of just being one characteristic or the other. I would only change the wording to be more accepting and understanding.

If you are interested in the graphical depiction from this test, see below. 


  1. I'm not wild about the presentation, either. I think these traits all have two sides - they all have strengths and weaknesses. It could be worth further research for the primer.

  2. Oh - no link/graphic in your post. If you're having trouble with that, you can check with me or one of your colleagues.

    1. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I have since updated the post with the appropriate graphic!
