Thursday, February 9, 2017

First Term Class Prep

My partner Kyle and I have chosen to learn/teach about change. This is a broad topic so we are spending time narrowing down the points we hope to make and the material we hope to teach. My mentor Anna Sanders has been helpful in passing along resources for this topic. I have always found change, both influencing and controlling, to be one of the most important functions of a manager. Making decisions and implementing them are very difficult feats when the audiences are likely not enthused. Humans are creatures of habit. Sure, some like adventure and trying new things, but generally most go home to their same beds and get to hit restart the next day, as they always do. There is nothing wrong with liking consistency! How to deal with that as a manager trying to excite and enforce change? Hopefully you (and I) will find out soon...


  1. Our topic reminds me of what another teacher had told my class recently that the difference between a manager and a leader is that managers have people work for them and leaders have people following them. I believe to be an effective manager you have to be an effective leader and when it comes to the topics of coping with and implementing change you have to first gain trust and ensure you have followers and not workers. This will require managers to create close bonds with employees. When a manager does this it makes implementing change easier knowing your manager is someone you can trust and that the decision to make change will be for the better.

  2. This is a great topic and it could fit into all three sections of this course. Remember to treat this through the lens of the individual for this first section. Shayna has been thinking about habit formation - a related topic at the individual level. I have an interesting book that I brought to class last week - Self Leadership by Manz and Neck. You might have a look at that. Let's discuss this in class.
