Tuesday, April 4, 2017

First Week of April!!

How the time has flied. Only six weeks until graduation, yikes. This week has already proved busy, further postponing my ideas of 'senior slump' or 'senior spring'. Kyle and I presented on Monday, I had an exam this morning, a paper worth an exam grade is due tomorrow, followed by my mid semester evaluation for this class. The weather today also postponed my excitement for spring, although 70 degrees early next week is keeping me going.

I want to write about Kyle's and my presentation given this past Monday. Contrary to how we presented (many laughs on my end), I had a migraine and Kyle was on his last leg of a cold. Weirdly enough, the class was kind of a blur for me. Kyle and I are getting together soon to work on the primer chapter and hopefully he can fill in some of the gaps in my memory. I know I was pleased with our performance, especially considering our respective ailments. I am sure I was chugging water the whole time, something that probably hindered my professionalism during the presentation, sorry!


  1. you guys did a great job. Loved the role plays.

  2. Smooth presentation as always! Enjoyed the games and the role play was hilarious.
